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Getting started


To start exploring TED date you may go to the TEDective's main page (opens in a new tab), and either open the search bar by clicking on it in the top right corner or pressing 'Ctrl + K'.

To get a graph of an organization you simply enter a name of your organization.

If you would like to get a graph for your organization with a specific date, you have to provide a date in the fields above the search bar.

You can provide a date by either entering it in the format "mm/dd/yyyy" or selecting it by opening the calendar on the right side of each date field.

Mind that when a user does not provide a date, the data returned will be within one past year range from today.

How to navigate TEDective

This guide will help you navigate and use TEDective effectively.

To begin exploring, navigate to TEDective (opens in a new tab)

  1. Click on "Search..." or press Ctrl + K to open search bar to find specific data entries. Step Description

  2. If you are not interested in a date skip to step 6, otherwise continue.

  3. Select the date field and enter your date. Step Description

  4. You can also select the date by clicking the calendar on the right. Step Description

  5. And navigating the calendar to pick your date. Step Description

  6. Then select the search field and enter your organization. Step Description

  7. After searching, select your organization from the list. For example, "Stichting Fontys". Step Description

  8. Navigate through different nodes such as "Organization". Step Description

  9. From there you can view its "Details". Step Description

  10. As well as "Contact Point". Step Description

  11. Explore other nodes like "Release" by clicking on them. Step Description

  12. You can also view their information and visit additional links. Step Description